Ronan, our new son

Since we know our baby's gender, we can call him his name. It makes it more convinient, instead of saying "you Ronan or you Tara". First ultrasound in US was done in 18 weeks, and we were told it's BABY BOY. Ronan's measurements were right in line with what they should be. I started noticing his kicks in 19th week very low.
Kdyz uz zname pohlavi naseho mima, muzeme mu rikat jeho jmenem. Je to pro nas snadnejsi, nez rikat " ty Ronane, nebo ty Taro". Prvni ultrazvuk v USA byl delan v 18 tydnu, bylo nam receno, ze je to KLUK. Ronan mel miry presne podle tabulek. Pohyby jsem zacala citit v 19 tydnu velmi nizko.

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